Saturday, December 29, 2012

Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong

Whether this is real or not, I don't really care.  IT'S AWESOME!  I totally wish I had Bruce Lee skills, but I don't and I will never be able to do this!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Star wars

I absolutly love, love, love Star Wars!!  My family and I are going through the series again and I'm realizing (again) every episode into it how much I love it!!  Who here doesn't just love Anakin Skywalker, Padme`, and Obi-Won-Kenobi in the first three episodes?  And Jar Jar Binks...doesn't he just make you want to crack up laughing every time he opens his mouth?!  Aren't the jedi just BAD?!  Last night we watched Episode 2: Attack of the Clones (which is my personal favorite next to episode 3) and when Yoda just whips up on Count Douku I literally felt like screaming out loud: "YOU ROCK YODA!"  but being in the TV room with my family I restrained myself...though I will say it wasn't easy.  Though Star Wars is meant for entertainment and pure awesomeness, it can teach us a few things too.  Mainly that all people are flawed just like Anakin was from Episodes 2-6.  he was arrogant and his pride led him to the dark side, just like Yoda said it would.  People, even though it seems like it, the Jedi aren't perfect and they aren't real.  You know who is real though?  JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD!  He has the highest midi-Clorian count (not literally) of any Jedi (even master Yoda)!  He's the ultimate saver of the world!  As we come out of this Christmas season, just remember why we celebrate it.  It's not to give and receive gifts; it's to remember when God sent his son Jesus as a humble baby in a manger to save us all from our sins!

Thursday, December 27, 2012


I've found this website called Girls Gone Wise to be extremely helpful in my daily life and this is one of my favorite posts my Mary Kassian and I hope you find it as awesome as I did!
Here it is:

Crazy horse ride!

This is AMAZING!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Hey blog viewers!  I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and have an even happier new year!