Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tim Hawkins: Pretty Pink Tractor

I love Tim Hawkins and his music video of his song PRETTY PINK TRACTOR is hilarious!!!  I hope you love it as much as I did!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Stale: a dangerous word

Hey guys!  I'm REALLY sorry that I've forgotten to post.  I just couldn't find anything to post about!  Well, I've finally found something, it's a single five letter word that we know as: stale.
I know that word is really simple and no one really thinks of it much or uses it unless they are trying to describe a taste or a look or something, but that word can be very dangerous to the Christian faith.
Letting your faith get STALE isn't what we as Christians are supposed to allow to happen.  We are supposed to keep it fresh and at the front of our minds all the time. The fact that Jesus died for us on the cross and then rose again from the dead isn't just a story, it's a truth.  We can never lose sight of what Christ did for us on the cross, we cannot allow our belief in him get stale, or in other words, hard and dry, not fresh.  Christians sometimes just go through the motions.  It's like, "oh great, I have to have my private time with God today just so that I won't feel bad later in the day."  As my dad would say, there is no good day/bad day situations depending on whether you've spent time with God that day or not.  It's all dependent on your faith in him and your focus on his everlasting love and care for you.
I had a talk with a good friend of mine recently and we were talking about how much God loves us and how no matter what we do he will always love us.  I felt a strange peace inside of me when I remembered that once God has a hold of you in his hands, he never lets you go.  He doesn't say, "Oh she's too much of a sinner to save now."  No.  His love for me actually makes me want to work hard at defeating sin and temptation.
It's amazing the way that it works.  Usually when someone will love you no matter what, you will treat them the worst.  But with Christ it's the other way around.  Keeping his love before us at all times helps us keep our faith fresh.  And learning about him more and more helps keep our minds focused on the One Above who knows all things and holds the world in his hands!