In loving memory of my two pure bred Australian Shepherd puppies, Sophie (multi-colored female) and Bear (white male) who died on July 27, 2013. I love you "my sweet baby girl" and "my handsome boy".
In the last picture Sophie and Bear (Bear was deaf and didn't have night vision) are older and they are the two dogs closest to the house on the right.
Yesterday, our dogs were "play fighting" which wasn't unusual. But Sophie could get a little aggressive. She knew that she was the alpha dog and she wasn't going to let any other animal take that title away from her. Well, she got her tooth stuck in Bear's collar and while she was pulling to try and get it off, she choked him to death. We had all seen the wild look in her eye that she got while she was fighting Bear and we'd seen it before.
My dad had been in town, but mom called him and told him what had happened and he left his meetings to come home and help us. My Uncle was on his way out anyway and once he got here, we all watched Sophie, with her tooth still stuck in Bear's collar, lay there over the body of her brother. Uncle Brian saw the look in her eyes, and told my mom that Sophie couldn't be trusted. Who knows, once she got the taste of blood in her mouth, she might try to get it again by attacking a member of the family.
Once my dad got home, my nana picked up all of us kids and took us down the local convenient store to get ice cream and then to the river. When we got home, my parents had buried Bear and Sophie, who they had put down for the safety of the family. It was hard. Those dogs had been a part of our lives and our family.
But amidst all of the sadness and tears, I kept telling myself that God was in control. He had taken our dogs away from us for a reason. We didn't know what that reason was yet, and we still don't, but the bible says that he works all things out for good. Losing our dogs has helped me to rely upon Christ no matter what. But I did officially decide that if I felt this heartbroken when my dogs died, that I wanted everyone to be immortal.
The point of this post isn't that dogs are scary, which they aren't. The point is that God is in control of everything no matter what. I encourage you to trust Christ with your lives, so that when the time of trials and loss come, you will have a firm foundation in Christ to help you stand against the storm.