Wednesday, January 2, 2013

An Unexpected Journey with Bilbo Baggins, or with our God?

Who loves THE HOBBIT?!  It's one of my favorite movies and watching it was a highlight of my year.  I LOVED Thorin and Kili!  They were just so AWESOME!  I don' know of any other word to describe them.  I don't want to give the whole movie away for those of you who haven't seen it yet, but there are some scenes in that movie where I just wanted to stand up and fight along side the dwarves and Gandalf.  Then there were other scenes where I just wanted to scream out at the top of my lungs: "THORIN YOU'RE EPIC!  I LOVE YOU KILI!"  then there were other times when I wanted to scream out at the characters, "DUDE YOU'VE GOT AN ISSUE WITH PRIDE (and alot of other things!)."  But I didn't because I was in a movie theatre and that would be REALLY embarrasing.  Anyway, recently me and one of my friends went to see it.  It was her first time and my second.  You know what?  The second time I watched it was just as good as the first, but I'm sure that if I watched it every day I would never want to see it again.  Isn't it crazy how you can see things a million times and you eventually get tired of them?  It's different with Christ.  Christians see him in everything and we should never grow tired of that.  God isn't just a movie like THE HOBBIT that will evetually fade and be forgotten no matter how good it was or how many times we've seen it; God will last forever and our interst in Him should never fade.  We should never tire of learning about him.  Right now it's hard to picture one of the greatest movies that I've ever seen won't last forever, but you know who will?  You know who we can count on to be with us for ETERNITY?  Here's a hint: His name begins with a C and he's the creator of the's Christ who will last forever!

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