Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!  I hope you have a great Christmas day celebrating with your family and friends.  Don't forget the sacrifice that Jesus made for us so that we could be forgiven.  Keep your eyes fixed on the one who forgives and saved us from our sins.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Tis the Season!

Something about the time of year gets everyone in the spirit of giving and loving one another.  What is it that does that?  The music?  The lights?  The decorated trees?  Hot chocolate?  Peppermint?  Whatever it is, it gets everyone in the festive spirit.  But with all the preparation for one of the biggest days of the year, we can't lose sight of why we celebrate it in the first place.  It's not to get things.  It's not to give your parents a long list of things that you want and expect to open them when Christmas day comes.  It's about celebrating the day that Christ was born.  The day that he came to earth as a humble baby, born in a stable, to grow up and save his chosen ones by dying for them.  That's what Christmas is about.  It's a time of giving, just like Jesus came and gave of himself because he loved us.
It's not a time of selfishness and greed.  It's the time of thankfulness and sharing.  Seeing others happy with the gifts that people have given them is a great blessing.  But try to look past the gift as you open it this year.  Remember that God gave the giver the means to purchase that gift to give to you.  And that ultimately, God gave us a most precious gift when he sent his only son to die for us so that we could be with him forever in heaven!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Trials are Gifts

Yes, you read it right.  Our trials are gifts.  I recently watched this video about a kid named Clayton McDonald.  Maybe you've heard of him or maybe you haven't.  He was an incredible boy who saw his trials as gifts and opportunities to share the gospel.  It shows incredible selflessness and putting God's glory and the salvation of others before your own pain.  Hopefully this video will impact you the same way it did me and show you that God works all things out for good and that His plans are ALWAYS perfect.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


 Yes, I know, finishing things is hard.  Especially when you get distracted with things that seem more fun or better than what you are stuck on.  During November, as I've said many times, I participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).  Needless to say, writing a novel in a month isn't as easy as it sounds.  Perseverance is a big part of it.  Usually half way through NaNo I've decided that my novel is junk and not really worth finishing.
But what I have to remember is that there are always things that seem bigger and better out there.  There will always be something in my mind telling me that what I'm writing is no good.  Everyone, even the greatest authors, have struggled with doubt that their project isn't worth finishing.  Perseverance applies to almost all things in life.
You don't give up singing just  because you hit a few bad notes.
You don't quit your job just because it's hard.
You don't stop playing a sport because it gets more difficult.
Working hard and giving your best are always better than giving up.  More importantly, God doesn't want us to quit.
The bible says that we are to strive to be like Christ.  And if Christ didn't give up on us even though we continued to sin and disobey Him, we shouldn't give up on people or other things.  As my dad reminded me the other day, "It's just a season, it will eventually pass."  So keep running in the race!  Taking breaks only makes you fall further behind!  Persevere!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

NaNo Approaches!

NaNoWriMo is seriously 2 days away!  I can hardly wait!  I know I post on it every year and about how much fun it is.  Hey, I can't help it.  It's something I enjoy...a lot!  Here's the link just in case someone wants to check it out and join me on the crazy mission to write a novel in a month!  NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Today, my youngest brother was writing some "words" on the back of note cards that my sister had used for a research project (luckily the project was finished!).  He gave them to my mom and told her to read them.  While she was reading out loud what his gibberish said my little brother had a proud look on his face.  When she finished, mom said, "Great job buddy!  What language are you writing in?!" To which he replied in the most matter of fact tone possible, "French!"
Oh the little moments that make us laugh.  They're so unexpected but then end up making our days so happy and enjoyable!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Silver Platters

Having a job is not at all what I was expecting.  Before, I had kind of been able to hide from the hard days and avoid things I didn't really want to do.  Now, I stare the hard stuff straight on in the face.  Mom told me that life can't be handed to me on a silver platter.  The hard part is, that up until this point, some of it has been.  Getting out of that is a little bit of a challenge.  But I must admit that even on the hard days, I still find myself having a good time through it all.  As my boss said, "If you're having a bad day, don't show it because the customer might be having a bad day too, and your smile and kindness might just give them the push they need to finish the day."
Truth is, I enjoy my job, and the chance to push myself and leave my comfort zone may be scary and intimidating, but it's just broadening my horizons so that I can be better equipped and prepared for the things God throws at me throughout the day.  It's all for a purpose and a reason!  Don't give up just because it's hard!  Instead, see it as a challenge that God has given you to help you grow in your faith, or be better suited to spread his Gospel.
Last Sunday my dad gave a wonderful sermon.  In the passage of scripture he was speaking from Paul said:

"For you yourselves know, brothers, that our coming to you was not in vain.  But though we had already suffered ad been shamefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we had boldness in our God to declare to you the gospel of God in the midst of much conflict.  For our appeal does not spring from error nor impurity or any attempt to deceive, but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts."
(1 Thessalonians 2:1-4)

I just think it's kinda cool that Paul saw the gospel as a precious gift that God had entrusted him with.  We also should see it that way.  It's not something we keep in our back pocket and flash it whenever we need it.  It's something we should protect, treasure, and share.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Giver

Yesterday afternoon, I went to see the movie The Giver with my dad and sister.  I'm not going to lie, at first I thought it was a little slow and confusing.  But as the plot developed and the movie went on, it started becoming more clear and less strange.
The Giver is about a boy, Jonas, who lives in a Utopia where everyone is the same.  They wear the same clothes, speak the same, and there are no colors.  Jonas is chosen to be The Receiver on graduation day (where every eighteen year old is assigned a job).  The Receiver is given all the memories from that past that have been lost, from The Giver.  As Jonas gains all of these memories *spoiler* he starts to realize that the "Community" they are living is incomplete and empty.  There are strict rules (never lie, precision of language etc.), curfews, and no emotions (due to daily injections).  All in all, the movie was great and very interesting!  My dad and I were talking about it and he said, "It's strange, most movies these days are about teenagers.  And there's a teen who is a Christ like figure trying to save the world."As I thought about it, I realized he was right.  It kind of feels like Hollywood ran out of ideas so they keep repeating the same plot line but with different characters with goals that "sound" different.  While I watched The Giver, I noticed that while people may deny that there is a God, and that Jesus died for our sins, they can't help putting a "Messiah" in their books and movies.
Anyway, just a thought.  Hope this little review was helpful for this highly recommended movie!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Today, girls don't really see their dads as the protectors of their hearts.  My best friend showed me this a few weeks ago and it's a parody of a song by the band MAGIC, but from the dad's perspective.  Honestly, I think it's very accurate and also hilarious!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Fair 2014

I just finished my 4th year doing a steer at the fair!  It was tons of fun and VERY exhausting.  It's hard getting up every day to get to the fair grounds in time to clean pens, feed the animals, AND get them and myself ready to show that day.  My steer, Tornado, wasn't on his best behavior, but he placed first in confirmation which gave me the #5 spot in the sale!  Very proud of him and I'm sad that he's being hauled away tonight.  I'm gonna miss that animal even though he had a strange obsession with licking/eating leather.
One of the members of my 4-H club won grand champion showman overall for the beef barn and got to participate in the Round Robin which is where all the champion showmen from the other barns show lambs, goats, pigs, horses, dairy cattle, and steers.  For being a Junior Showman, he did fantastic!  He didn't win Master Showman, but he did us all proud:)
It's been a great experience and I can't wait for next year!  So there's my FAST summary of fair 2014!

Sunday, July 20, 2014


So sorry I haven't posted in so long!  The internet hasn't been working on the device I usually blog from, so until I get it fixed I won't be posting for awhile longer:(

Monday, June 23, 2014

CYIA 2014

Just got home from one of the best CYIA Training School years I have ever experienced!!  For those who haven't heard, CYIA stands for Christian Youth In Action and it's where teenagers (ages 13-18) are trained how to teach the gospel to kids with one week of classes and teaching.  Have you ever heard of 5-Day Club?  Good News Club (GNC)?  Good News Across America (GNAA)?  That's us!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

How Small

It's that time of year where teenagers from high school are sent out into the world with a big ceremony we all call graduation.  I went to one today because I knew a few of the people graduating.  As I listened to the Valedictorians and Salutatorian give their speeches, and as they all received their diplomas, I couldn't help but think about how short life is.  I mean, to the parents of the kids graduation, it seems like yesterday they were starting kindergarten...and now here they are, graduating high school and going off into the world to colleges and jobs.  It might not feel short to some of us, but honestly, we are just small things in this HUGE universe.
I watched an amazing video by Louis Giglio about the planets and stars and how great and big our God is.  As I watched it, I was amazed at the fact that even though we are some of the smallest things He created, He loves us more than the birds and the trees.  So I guess the point is, since our lives are so short, we should worship and honor the God who made us while we're here on earth, and share His light to others around us every day.  I don't know about you, but right now, I feel pretty small compared to the huge and amazing God we get to worship every day.  Don't waste your time here on earth, because "it won't be like this for long."

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

 So I finally finished writing a novel and I'm going to get one free hard back copy of it.  At first I was all like, "Yay!  I finished a novel!  Now I can just upload it to the website and get my copy!"  Haha.  NOPE.  Now I have to do all the editing and non stop revising.
As my cousin points out things that don't make sense to her in the novel, I'm reminded that to someone who hasn't read it yet, it is VERY confusing.  But to me, hey, it makes perfect sense!  So right now that's what we're working on.  Making sure it all flows, makes sense, doesn't contradict itself, and all that FUN stuff.
To be honest, I'm tired.  I just want my book in hard cover!  But the thing is, if I want it to be well done, complete, and thorough, I have to finish the editing process.  This is the most time I've EVER spent perfecting a my life.  It's been VERY intense.'m sick of my own novel.
Anyway...the point of this post is that in order to get a good end result, you have to work hard and wade through the blood, sweat, and tears to get the product you want.  Things don't just come to us with the snap of a finger or the wave of a wand.  It takes work, dedication, and an aching brain to get better and create something you're proud of.

Friday, May 16, 2014


So I was nominated by Rachel from the amazing blog This Sunkissed Farm to do this so here it goes!

11 Random Facts about myself:

1. I LOVE broccoli and cauliflower
2. I have conversations with made up characters in my head (weird I       know)
3. I don't like boiled potatoes
4. I can't stand squash or zucchini
5. I'm an introvert
7. I'm a writer (or an aspiring writer)
8. I LOVE The Avengers (Iron Man!)
9. I speak my mind
10. My favorite sport is track
11. I'm a Lord of the Rings NERD

So to Answer Rachel's questions!!

1) What movie/book has impacted you the most, and why?
I think it would have to be a book called Eyes Wide Open which is about seeing God in everything.  It impacted me because it helped me see that it's not all about me and that even the little things cry out to God in worship.
2) How old were you when you accepted the Lord into your life?
Around 4
3) Tangled or Frozen?
4) Facebook or Pinterest?
Pinterest definitely:)
5) Favorite song?
Let Her Go by Passenger
6) Who is your biggest role model, and why?
My dad.  Because he is a great example of living a Christian life and putting others needs before your own.
7) What is your dream?
To be an author who can make people smile through the power of words.
8) If you could meet any historical figure over coffee, who would it be and what would you talk about?
I would want to meet J.R.R. Tolkien and we would talk about his writings and I would ask him what it felt like to be awesome:)
9) If you could tell any young girls (ages 13-18) anything, what would it be?
I would tell them that if Christ is at the center of your life, that you don't need to worry about being accepted, or fitting in because in His eyes, you are perfect just the way you are.
10) If you could do one thing that greatly impacted the world, what would it be?
Demand another season of Merlin!!  Just kidding!!  I actually don't know what I would do...
11) How did you get started blogging?
I got a blog for Christmas!!  True story

Now my turn to ask 11 quesetions!!

1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
2. What is your favorite book and why?
3. What is your favorite Disney movie?
4. Prepared or unprepared?
5. Favorite time of the year?
6. Greatest role model?
7. What kind of music to do you listen to?
8. If you could fast forward your life to see your future and then rewind to present day again, would you say yes?
9. Who is your favorite superhero?
10. What is your dream?
11. If you could meet anyone in  the world who would it be?

To answer these questions I nominate: Emma and Rachel

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Due to it being baseball season and me being busy, I'm going to take a small break from the Wednesday and Friday posts.  Hopefully when things calm down a little I'll start doing them again:)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Movie Night:)

Last night, I watched a movie called That Thing You Do! with my family.  It was about the rise of a rock band, who called themselves The Wonders.  An older movie, but a fun one!  It showed their rise to fame, and eventually their break up because of selfishness and other passions.  I hadn't laughed that hard in a movie for a while!

Then after the boys went to bed, my mom, my sister, and I all watched the chick-flick Letters To Juliet.  It was one of the cutest romantic comedy movie's I've seen!  There were a few moral issues with it, such as the main character and her fiance` go on a pre-honeymoon because they wouldn't have time after the wedding, but other than that it was adorable!

I guess you could say I had a lot of laughs last night and was reminded of the gift of being with my family and having a great time together.  Family is something that is irreplaceable and I'm so lucky to have one that is so close knit.  God is so good!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Funny Friday: Week 15

Blimey Cow: Seven Reasons why being a Teenager is the Worst

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 15

Not everyday is perfect, but even though we live in a flawed world, doesn't mean you shouldn't praise the creator who made it.  Praise God today and thank Him for His love and his beautiful creation, because without Him, we wouldn't exist and neither would all of the beauty that surrounds us.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Art and Beauty

I recently finished reading Francis A. Schaeffer's book Art and the Bible.  Mr. Schaeffer's main message was that art was a good thing and that it isn't meant to be hidden or shunned just because some of it might not agree with our faith or the way we view the world.  Some Christians tend to shy away from art because it's beautiful and "worldly".  Schaeffer pointed out that in the bible, God ORDERS art.  When Solomon was building the temple in Jerusalem, God ordered several different kinds of art to be placed in his house.  The walls were covered in gold and carved cherubim.  There were gold pillars at the entrance with gold pomegranates hanging from chains around them.
Schaeffer kept saying over and over again that Christian's should marvel at art because it's beautiful...and God created beauty.  Shunning the beauty in art is like telling God that creating beauty was a mistake.
Does all art portray a good message?  Of course not, but it's still a masterpiece.  Art was made to be marveled at, not to be worshiped.  It's okay to think that something is beautiful and to see God's hand in it.  When it becomes wrong is when you see art as a god, as an idol.  And when you begin to stray away from the fact that whoever made it had a God given talent.
So all that said, art is beautiful and meant to bring glory to God.  The way we honor him by praising art is by seeing that he was the one who gave the artist the skills to create it.  So next time you see any kind of art, thank God for it.  Don't just focus on the beauty of the thing, but praise the God who made the thing.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Funny Friday: Week 14

The guy who plays as the voice of Hans in Frozen auditioned with one of the most hilarious songs!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 14

So my brothers are playing baseball.  It isn't too bad because I love baseball, but sometimes it's hard to enjoy it when it's wet, cold, and raining.  But I've found that if I focus on them instead of myself, I enjoy it A LOT more!  This week's Encouraging Word is this: When you're unselfish, you'll enjoy others interests and focus more on them than you focus on yourself.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Funny Friday: Week 13

Here's a few funny things I found:)  Hope they make you laugh!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 13

It feels like forever since last week!  I hope you had a happy Easter and were reminded about what we celebrate on that special day.  Today I just want to remind you to live for Christ.  After all, we just celebrated the day he rose again from the dead after dying in our place and taking all our sins upon his shoulders.  I think he deserves all the praise, honor, and glory that we can give him today...and forever after!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Funny Friday: Week 12

Tim Hawkins: Dangerous Toys part 1

Tim Hawkins: Dangerous Toys Part 2

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 12

If you follow God's plan and listen to his instruction, you will find it's easier to love people and do what He wants.  Too often we get caught up in our own selfish desires to serve God or others.  This is just a reminder to put Him first and not yourself.  Because if He wants you to do something, He will give you the tools and the knowledge to get it done!  He's got everything under control.

Monday, April 7, 2014


So today we went out to feed our steers and I stopped by the gate that leads into the yard.  Then I remembered our two Australian Shepherds, Sophie and Bear.  I got all teary eyed for a minute then I thought, God takes things away from us for reasons sometimes we can't understand.  I still don't know why God took Sophie and Bear from us, but I have a pretty good idea.  Maybe he took them so that we would see Him in our grief.  So that we could rely upon Him when things got hard and not rely upon ourselves.  If there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that God always has a plan.  Confusing?  Sometimes, yes.  But it's always the best for us and for His glory.  So as I remember Sophie and Bear, I tell myself that they were really God's.  He took them when He wanted to take them and He did it at that point in our lives because it was all a part of His perfect plan.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Funny Friday: Week 11

Sorry I  kind of skipped last Friday and this Wednesday.  But I'm hopefully back on track now!
This is two parents who LIP sing to Love is an Open Door from the movie Frozen!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 11

Giving God the glory isn't that difficult.  That is to say, it isn't if you're completely focused on Him and you want your life to shine His truth.  Sometimes I find it hard to do things if I'm not centered upon Christ.  So here's my Encouraging Word: keep Christ at the center of your life and you will find that giving him glory and honor is better than receiving it all yourself.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Funny Friday: Week 10

Blimey Cow: Eight awkward Situations (and how to deal with them)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 10

I have the last Wednesday of a Good News Club that I've been teaching today.  I'm excited and a little sad at the same time.  Excited because now my Wednesday's will be free and I'll get to do more things, but sad because I won't get to see the kids and tell them about Jesus.
Today's encouraging word is on selflessness.  Because if you are selfless, you'll find it somewhat easier to complete the things that have to be done today and easier to rely upon Christ and not yourself.
I've been working on this quite a bit myself.  Especially with having Good News Club every Wednesday.  Sometimes I don't enjoy teaching, but it's something that brings God glory.  I don't usually enjoy getting all dressed in nice clothes only to come home 2 hours later completely exhausted, but it brings God glory since I get dressed up to go out and teach kids about Him.
Being selfless is the opposite of easy, but if you begin to rely upon Christ more than you rely upon yourself, things will suddenly seem easier.  He is in control of all things, and He wants you to lean upon Him.
Sometimes making sacrifices for others is better than doing things for yourself.  It makes you feel fulfilled since you did something for Christ...and we all know that He is the ultimate fulfill-er.  The one who brings us satisfaction.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hey!  In honor of St. Patrick's Day, here's a funny little video my dad showed me!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Funny Friday (Saturday): Week 9

So I was gone all day yesterday and didn't get to do week 9 of Funny here it is...on Saturday.

A friend just sent me this version of Let It Go and it's amazing!!  It's this guy who sings it with the voices of Disney and Pixar characters!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 9

Small steps.

I just finished a biography that American Gabrielle Douglas, the Olympic women's gymnastic two time gold medalist champion in 2012, wrote herself about her life and how she got to the Olympics.  It was an incredible story to read.  It talked about how her family struggled when she was younger, and the sacrifices that her family made so that she could pursue her dream of becoming an Olympic champion.
All that said, I want to get to the point of this Wednesday's post.  Big things that you want to achieve, you accomplish in small steps.  There's a lot of people who want to get to big things, but when they realize that they have to work hard to get there, they give up, or stop pushing themselves.  Gabby didn't do that.  She relied upon Christ in her struggle to be the best, and He helped her achieve her dream.  I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if there is something that you want to do, but it seems impossible.  God is known for making those seemingly impossible things, become possible.  So trust Him with your dreams.

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Intelligent Designer

Lost.  Lost is the word I used to describe how I felt in my faith.  I felt like I didn't know where it was or where I was in my walk with Christ.  I had a long talk with my mom one day and it helped me to get my feet back under me.  I was able to once again see God in my life and I laughed at the foolish doubts that I had.
One thing that mom said to me I will never forget.  I had asked her how we even know there really is a God.  This is her reply: "But look around you, Liz.  Look at the plants and the water.  Look at yourself.  None of these incredible things could have been an accident.  The human body is so complex the only logical explanation for it is that it was made by an intelligent designer.  And the plants and animals?  They're way too complex to be an accident."
The bible says in Genesis 1:1-2: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep.  And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."
I love those verses.  Mom was right.  The things around us are too complex to have been an accident or to have gotten here by chance.  They had to have something incredible create them.  Never forget that God is our intelligent designer, and nothing created in this world is an accident.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Funny Friday: Week 8

Blimey Cow: Ten Annoying Things Parents Do On Facebook

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 8

I don't have much to say today that I haven't already said.  So this one is going to be short.  I know I basically say this every week, but it never hurts to remind yourself of it: Trust Christ with your day, your week, and your life.  Suddenly you will find that doing things with Christ is much easier than doing them alone!

And side note: I'm taking another poll.  I want to know if you want me to just go to 10 weeks of Encouraging Word Wednesday, or to keep going and not even count the weeks.  Please vote so that I can decide what to do and what you would prefer!  You have until next Wednesday to vote!

Saturday, March 1, 2014


I was sitting here, with nothing to do, when I thought about what Jesus did for me.  God loved his people so much that He sent his ONLY son to die on the cross for us.  Talk about love!  I'm amazed that Jesus would WILLINGLY die for me.  Me, a sinner who doesn't deserve anything.  Every time I think about it, I feel so small.  I think I've done some pretty cool things in my life...but then I remember what Jesus did for me...and suddenly, my good works don't matter anymore.  Jesus is my focus, and He paid it all.
It never hurts to point yourself back to the cross and to remember that Jesus gave his life for all those who believe in Him so that we wouldn't have to be separated from God forever, but so that God would see us through the lens of that God would see us as Justified.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 7

You know, sometimes people say things that bring us down instead of build us up.  Sometimes those things that they say turn your whole day, or even week, sour.  Just push those things aside and remind yourself that you don't have to care about what other people think.  Your acceptance is in God and he loves you just the way you are.  He isn't going to say things that bring you down.  He's going to encourage you and tell you to keep on going.  So every time someone makes a nasty comment, brush it off and see your identity in Christ, not in what they say about you or even what you say about yourself.  Christ loves you...and you are His.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Funny Friday: Week 6

For this week, here's a video from Blimey Cow called "The One About Big Head Kid."

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 6

Last week I reminded you to "just keep swimming."  This week, I'm going to tell you HOW to keep swimming.  So, question: who helps you to swim?  The answer is simple: God!  Trust God with your job, your family, your WHOLE life and he will help you to stay afloat!  Trust me, I know from experience that not leaning on God makes things a lot harder.  But trusting him and believing that he will help you finish this week, or whatever it is that makes Wednesdays or even life hard for you, will make a huge difference!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

In Summer

So I was just listening to the song In Summer from the newest Disney movie, Frozen.  In the song, the snowman, Olaf, expresses his desire to be in summer.  What he doesn't realize is that "what frozen things do" in summer is melt.  Olaf is wanting to be somewhere he wasn't made to be.
Aren't we as humans almost exactly like that?  We want perfection, but we we are no longer perfect because of Adam's sin in the garden.  Perfection will be given to Christians when we are in heaven with God where there is no sin, no death, and no tears.
I know that a snowman's dream of being in summer and a humans dream of perfection are two completely different things, but there are some similarities.
Like Olaf, we dream of things that are seemingly impossible.  Only God can make the impossible, become possible.  This may seem like a bad comparison, but Queen Elsa kind of represents God in the end of Frozen when she gives Olaf his "own personal flurry" so that he can enjoy summer without melting.  Just as God will eventually bring all who believe in him to heaven so that we can worship him perfectly.
Olaf got his wish of being in summer, and we will eventually get ours of being in a perfect paradise.

Monday, February 17, 2014


So someone on the NaNoWriMo website made me a cover for my book!  Here it is!  Sorry, this post doesn't really have a point...I just thought this was pretty cool:)

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Today my grandparents too me shopping for my birthday.  IT WAS AMAZING!  I'm so blessed to have amazing grandparents who love me!  Thanks Nona and Grandpa for a wonderful day!  I love you guys!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi guys!  Just wanted to say Happy Valentine's day! :)

Funny Friday: Week 5

Messy Mondays: Why I Hate Watching the News

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Encouraging Word Wedensday: Week 5

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.  What do we do?!  We Swim, swim, swim!" --Dory the fish: Finding Nemo

Hang in there y'all!  The week is almost over!  Don't give up!
Think about this for a minute, did Jesus ever give up on you?  The answer is no.  So should you give up on things in life, or give up on others?  NO!  So, take Dory's wonderful advice, and "JUST KEEP SWIMMING!"

Friday, February 7, 2014


When hard times hit, or times where it feels like the hard stuff will never end, we as humans have a tendency to fall into our own little shells and cut off everyone outside of it to deal with the grief or the pain or whatever.  I know that this is my habit.  When my dad is busy with the church or helping others, I find it hard to stay happy.  But I have to remind myself that he is doing the work of God.  This is what God has called him to do and it's my job to help him in every way that I can.  I also have to tell myself that this trial of him being gone a lot is all in God's good and perfect plan.  The church is growing, and advancing the Kingdom of God...and that is a VERY good thing.  So even in the hard stuff, try and look further than the shell you've put yourself in.  Look at the good that God is doing, or try and see the good that could possibly come from your trials.  God always has a plan.  And his plan is perfect.

Funny Friday: Week 4

Funny Friday Week 4: Time Hawkins on Cuss Words

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


There's a poll  being taken on my blog right now, and it has to do with the posts.  Don't worry, I wouldn't ask you to vote if it was something stupid:)  So please, get on and vote so that I can know what you think and hopefully either change things or keep them the same!  You have until the 28th of this month to vote.

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 4

Hope.  Jesus was the only person that we could hope in without being disappointed.  Turn your eyes to Him and He will never let you down.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Love Is...

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.  It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoings but rejoices with the truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all thins, endures all things."
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

The bible's definition of love is beautiful.  Often I find myself being impatient, arrogant, rude, and irritable.  I have to remind myself that those things are NOT love.  Love is patient, love is kind.
Think about the way that you love others.  Is it patient and kind?  Does it envy or boast?  Is it arrogant or rude?  Does it insist on its own way?  Is it irritable or resentful?  Does it rejoice at wrongdoings?
If it is any of those things, the bible would say that you aren't loving others the way that you should.  Please carefully consider these verses.  Love is a big part of our lives.  And being loved right, is a big blessing.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 3

You know, there are some things that we can't avoid.  Some struggles that we feel like we will never win.  But let me tell you something, God is always ready to help.  He's always there.  Like Capital Kings said in their song YOU'LL NEVER BE ALONE,  you really are never alone.  God is always with you.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 2

Here's the second week of Encouraging Word Wednesday.

No matter what happens, God loves you.  If you feel alone or hated, just remember that He is always there.  He is always with you and he loves you more than anyone else in this world.

Also, I'm putting in a bonus Encouraging Word!

"Just keep swimming.  Just keep swimming.  What do we do?  We swim, swim, swim!" Don't forget about Dory's legendary words from Finding Nemo!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Funny Friday

Just like I'm doing Encouraging Word Wednesday, I'm going to also do a Funny Friday.  So every Friday (hopefully every Friday) I will be posting something funny.  Here is today's!

So my brother told me this joke:
Once there was a man who wanted to be a bell ringer.  He went to the priest and asked him if he could ring the bell.  But the man had a problem, he didn't have any arms.  So the priest said, "No, you can't ring the bell because you don't have any arms."  Just to prove that he could, the man went up every Sunday to where the bell hung and he would ring it with his face.  And every time after the last ring he would fall off into the street.  So the people gathered around and asked the priest, "Who is this guy?" the priest replied, "I don't know.  But his face rings a bell."

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday

So I'm going to start this new thing where every Wednesday (since it's the middle of the week and everyone just wants to quit) I post an encouraging word.  Weather it be a single word, a paragraph, or as long as an essay, it's meant to encourage you.  I might miss a week, but I will do my best to keep them coming!  So here's the first one.

God made you for a purpose.  If you've seen the movie Hugo you'll remember this line, "I always imagine the world as one big machine.  Because machines don't come with extra parts.  So I guess that if the world was one big machine, I'm not an extra part.  I have a place in this world."  Don't say that you're a mistake or you aren't meant to be here.  God doesn't make mistakes, and he knew exactly what he was doing when he made you.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas Vacation

Cousins galore?  Oh heavens yes.  I was surrounded by my 7 amazing cousins for one week and 4 of those cousins for 2 weeks.  It was amazing!  We all got along well for not seeing each other for about 8 years.  And our idea of showing affection was pulling pranks and being annoying.  Did I have fun?  Heck yeah!  We went sight seeing and I went to the 3 High School football state championship games at an NFL field with my dad, 3 of my cousins, my uncle, and my dads best friend and his kids.  It was a long day...approximately 8 hours straight of football, nachos, and hot dogs.  Even though I'm not a big football fan, I will admit that I had a fun watching the sport and the competition between the two teams.  And the stadium?  HUGE!  It was so loud it gave me a headache, and my uncle got sick while we were there...not too great for him, but the rest of us had a blast:)  I don't know how many different Walmart's we went to and I can't even count how many burgers we ate from What A Burger, but let me tell you, a family Christmas Vacation with more family that you haven't seen in 8 years was definitely a great way for all of us to spend the holiday.  What's cool, is that now that we're back home, my grandparents and aunt and uncle here are going to celebrate another Christmas with us this month!  So we had a family Christmas before we left on vacation, and we had one with the cousins there, and then we're having another one here with more family!  And here was was thinking that my extended family was small!  Anyway, hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!