Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday: Week 9

Small steps.

I just finished a biography that American Gabrielle Douglas, the Olympic women's gymnastic two time gold medalist champion in 2012, wrote herself about her life and how she got to the Olympics.  It was an incredible story to read.  It talked about how her family struggled when she was younger, and the sacrifices that her family made so that she could pursue her dream of becoming an Olympic champion.
All that said, I want to get to the point of this Wednesday's post.  Big things that you want to achieve, you accomplish in small steps.  There's a lot of people who want to get to big things, but when they realize that they have to work hard to get there, they give up, or stop pushing themselves.  Gabby didn't do that.  She relied upon Christ in her struggle to be the best, and He helped her achieve her dream.  I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if there is something that you want to do, but it seems impossible.  God is known for making those seemingly impossible things, become possible.  So trust Him with your dreams.

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