Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Encouraging Word Wednesday

So I'm going to start this new thing where every Wednesday (since it's the middle of the week and everyone just wants to quit) I post an encouraging word.  Weather it be a single word, a paragraph, or as long as an essay, it's meant to encourage you.  I might miss a week, but I will do my best to keep them coming!  So here's the first one.

God made you for a purpose.  If you've seen the movie Hugo you'll remember this line, "I always imagine the world as one big machine.  Because machines don't come with extra parts.  So I guess that if the world was one big machine, I'm not an extra part.  I have a place in this world."  Don't say that you're a mistake or you aren't meant to be here.  God doesn't make mistakes, and he knew exactly what he was doing when he made you.

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